Friday, September 30, 2011

When Zombies Attack

[aberrant] hunt gift is Zombie Attack! Jeans (includes sculpted pant cuffs) and tank...nothing like a little blood.

Thursday, September 29, 2011

Just for ShitsNGiggles!

 S.N.G created an incredible gift for Tales of Terror...pictured above is the Classic Halloween Messenger Bag that includes two attachment points.

These wickedly adorable Jack Skeleton Plugs also include a HUD to adjust to your favorite skin...a big Thank You goes out to creator Isis Zamin of S.N.G!

Angry Jack

Urban Derelict decided to play upon one of my favorites, Nightmare Before Xmas for the Tales of Terror Hunt! Dru Moonwall, specializes in Clothing, Tattoos, Weapons, H.I.M, Heartagram, Boondock Saints, Nightmare before Christmas, & Much more.

Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Tales of Terror Previews

Damage, Inc. has created this phenomenal church at a 120 prims that includes a church bell and skeleton clock face that chimes on the hour. On the inside, Red stained glass and antique tapestry. You may even hear crow's cawing once and a while, or a Gregorian chant!

::[NV]:: hunt gift is Creepy Carnival Harlequin Barbie Skin and Zombie Apocalypse Peg Leg, nothing says creepy like a carny with a peg leg *grins wickedly*!

Blue Blood hunt gift is Hallows, this is super cute and comes in quite a few colors to choose from (orange, red, baby blue, blue, black, green, pink, purple, yellow and teal)!

[rhetoric] gift Jack Pack includes everything shown...awesomeness.

Thursday, September 22, 2011

Sleepy Hollow @ Impaled!

Sneak Preview of what you can expect from Impaled as part of the Tales of Terror Hunt...the entire set includes the horseman, mausoleum and grave markers!

Many places have their stories and legends of things going bump in the night or may have their share of "unwanted guests".  One small isolated town in upstate New York stands out in both rich history and dark legend.  The haunted town of Sleepy Hollow found in legends and lore, rests near the eastern side of the Hudson River... a marshy section of the river.  Approximately 9,000 individuals call this area “home”. Of course, this is the number of physical, living individuals...

Sleepy Hollow was settled in 1640. The Dutch settlers elected the name “Slapershaven”.  It eventually was called "Sleepy Hollow".  While the town is considered a fictional piace to many, it is important to understand that Sleepy Hollow is in fact, an actual town... full of haunting tales, dark legend and famous people that played a part of it's rich history. Several dark and chilling cemeteries exist here as well as a historical battlefield from the revolutionary war.  the following is just a taste of what Sleepy Hollow's history presents itself:

SLEEPY HOLLOW CEMETERY - Residents and visitors have witnessed an eerie mist, lights dancing on the graves and unexplained voices coming from all directions in the various sections of the Sleepy Hollow Cemetery.  Several famous people are buried here, including Washington Irving, Andrew Carnegie, Leona Helmsley, William Rockefeller and several Revolutionary war Army and Militia officers.  Edgar Allan Poe resided a short distance from Sleepy Hollow cemetery during his last few years.  The film "House of Dark Shadows" were filmed at the Sleepy Hollow Cemetery as well as Lyndhurst Mansion (castle), also located in Sleepy Hollow:

PATRIOT'S PARK – If you go to a secluded area of Sleepy Hollow, you will discover Patriot's Park. During the American Revolutionary War, the Americans captured a soldier that was of Hessian decent. He was immediately executed by way of beheading. An apparition known as the "Headless Horseman" is said to linger throughout the park grounds to this very day. Washington Irving took this legend of the headless soldier for his infamous tale "The Legend of Sleepy Hollow".  But don't be misled, the tale reaches much further than pen and parchment. 
    Nearby is "Sunnyside Estate", in which Irving purchased in 1835.  Originally a small ordinary cottage, Irving renovated it into a large estate.  It has been said to have an extraordinary amount of apparitions, including Irving and his nieces.

   IMPALED and Dragon's Flair (Nightmares & Legends group) have taken the lore to the next level, not only creating a location very close in resemblance to the real life town of terrifying tales, but adding a touch of our own macabre madness... As you enter the sim, you are immediately encompassed by torrid rains and crashing thunder.  Recreating a feeling of 19th century Sleepy Hollow, visitors can make their way through each area, finding something different to explore.  Key locations are to wander through include:

The Mansion:  Engulfed by a dark and mysterious forest, this is the main store to both IMPALED & Dragon's Flair.  It is the remnant of times past, with secret passages, wandering spirits, sacrifice, tortured souls and bumps in the night.

Sleepy Hollow Cemetery:  A recreation of the infamous cemetery, parts of it are over 400 years old.  Many wandering spirits have called this place home... however some seem to be restless and out for vengeance.  Seems one is searching for his head, but would be happy for now just to have any passerby's.

The Marsh: Dark foreboding water glistening in the moonlight and draped by fog... take your friends on a private boat ride in the marsh, leery of what may be lurking around every bend.  Nahhh, really a peaceful little jaunt around the forest and front end of the sim.... or is it?

Haunted Forest: Walk the path between the mansion and the marsh, breathing in the madness emanating from the darkness and sounds of the night... can you feel the tingle running up your spine? 

Tales of entire month of hunting for incredible prizes and exploring the different sims and the tales they tell!

Thursday, September 15, 2011

Welcome to Tales of Terror

This Halloween the Eldergoth Macabre and Dead Dolls bring you tales of terror. A multi-sim event which will include Halloween parties, a gridwide HUD based scavenger hunt, and much much more.

We will have sim owners participating in the event by hosting a part of the scavenger hunt on their sim in conjunction with several other sims. We currently have 4-5 sims locked down for the event.

Each sim will host their own "tale of terror" and will have items created and hidden on their sim that match their specific "tale" by the many vendors who will be applying and creating items for the hunt. 

If you would like to create all of the items to hide on your sim that is also fine, however the minimum of 10 is still a requirement so please do keep this in mind when deciding how you would like to go about joining the event.

The hunt itself will be HUD based and hunters will need to figure out certain puzzles and clues pertaining to your particular tale of terror in order to obtain each prize. ( this is NOT a grab freebies and run kind of hunt but rather quite interactive on the hunters part as well as our part as vendors/sim owners).

Thank You for Your Interest in the Event! 

Halloween :: Tales of Terror Admins
Zombina Gunawan
Annabelelee Dreadlow